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Department of Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 54006, Thessaloniki, Greece
Tel: +30-2310-998193, Fax: +30-2310-995384, e-mail: kallery@astro.auth.gr
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This book is a teachers’ guide which presents supporting material plus three series of structured teaching activities designed to introduce some basic notions and to acquaint young children with phenomena relating primarily to our solar system. For the teacher who makes use of it, this book provides helpful knowledge concerning the content, organisation and implementation of the teaching activities that can be used in schools and will improve the effectiveness of early-years teaching in this domain. Used with the accompanying videos, this book can be a valuable tool for pre-primary and early-elementary teachers who want to introduce their pupils to topics relating to the planetary system our earth belongs to and encourage them to explore and approach their questions in a scientific manner, both in the classroom and beyond.  

The book was developed in collaboration with the six early-years teachers of our work group: F.Sarigiannidou, M. Homata, P. Patinioti, F. Fista, E. Tsirona, and E. Fragonikolaki.  

Related article:  Kallery, M. (2011). Astronomical Concepts and Events Awareness for Young Children. International Journal of Science Education, Vol. 33, No 3, pp 341-369.  (Download .pdf)

Approaching “Space” in Preschool
and Early Elementary Education.